Project Title: |
Support for Enhancing facilities for the Child Care Home |
Project Description: |
Marialaya is an Non Governmental Organization. At present we have 95 girl children at risk in the shelter home, 450 marginailzed children at study centre in 20 villages, 70 women group around Coimbatore district and 50 young girls are at present in vocational training centre. We would like to bring to your kind notice that our home pipe line for drainage system is damaged and it affects the environment condition of our home, in which creates more mosquitoes to spread all in our premises. Due to lots of mosquitoes children are facing health issues too. So, we request you to support us to renovate it and close (cover) the pipeline with maintenance work, which in further helps our children’s have a good environment. We will be grateful for your support. |
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LaGioiaDiVivere OdV
c.f. 91065740556
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LaGioiaDiVivere | Organizzazione di Volontariato
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Tel: 0744 615534
C.F. 91065740556
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Clara Giorgi
Legale Rappresentante:
Stefano Conedera
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